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18.06.2015 21:15 - Книгите на Саманта Йънг
Автор: mese4inkata Категория: Други   
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Последна промяна: 13.07.2016 10:33

Както винаги, хубавите книги се откриват случайно. А при първия прочит може и да не ти се харесат особено.

Така беше при мен с "Дъблин Стрийт" на Саманта Йънг, първата книга от едноименната поредица. Стори ми се много тежка, нереалистична, твърде експлоатиран сюжет. Накратко - не ми хареса. После обаче излезе втората книга и тя ми хареса страшно много. Прочетох я сигурно 3 пъти за две седмици. Тогава авторката ми стана любима. Трябва да призная обаче, че не всичките й книги са сполучливи. Като цяло сюжетите ги бива, но нещо не се получава като започне действието и така последните й издадени 4 книги (това са #4, #5 и #6 от поредицата и самостоятелната Hero; новелите традиционно са кратички и това не позволява да се усети сюжета както трябва, затова не ги коментирам) не успяха да стигнат любимата ми "Лондон Роуд".

По-долу ще видите поредицата "Дъблин Стрийт" според хронологичния ред на дейстието, а най-накрая са двете самостоятелни книги - едната предстои да бъде издадена. На български за момента имаме първите 3 от "Дъблин Стрийт". Дано от издателството да пуснат и другите 3. Надявам се и да съберат новелите в едно издание и тях също да ги видим у нас. 

On Dublin Street (On Dublin Street #1)

Jocelyn Butler has been hiding from her past for years. But all her secrets are about to be laid bare…

Four years ago, Jocelyn left her tragic past behind in the States and started over in Scotland, burying her grief, ignoring her demons, and forging ahead without attachments. Her solitary life is working well—until she moves into a new apartment on Dublin Street where she meets a man who shakes her carefully guarded world to its core.

Braden Carmichael is used to getting what he wants, and he’s determined to get Jocelyn into his bed. Knowing how skittish she is about entering a relationship, Braden proposes an arrangement that will satisfy their intense attraction without any strings attached.

But after an intrigued Jocelyn accepts, she realizes that Braden won’t be satisfied with just mind-blowing passion. The stubborn Scotsman is intent on truly knowing her… down to the very soul.


В продължение на години Джослин Бътлър бяга от миналото си. Изгубила семейството си в автомобилна катастрофа, тя бива местена от едно в друго приемно семейство. Това кара Джослин да затвори сърцето си и да не допуска близки отношения с никого. Ето защо тя напуска САЩ и отива да учи в Шотландия. Уединеният ѝ живот върви добре... докато не наема нов апартамент на Дъблин Стрийт, където добре подреденият ѝ живот се разклаща до основи. Брейдън Кармайкъл е заможен предприемач, свикнал да получава това, което желае. Когато среща Джослин, първоначалната му настъпателност автоматично я отблъсква. Знаейки, че тя не би се обвързала, Брейдън ѝ предлага неангажираща приятелска връзка. Истината обаче е, че упоритият шотландец си е наумил да я опознае истински... до дълбините на душата ѝ.


An On Dublin Street Christmas (On Dublin Street #1.1)

Кратка коледна история с героите от On Dublin Street

Until Fountain Bridge (On Dublin Street #1.5)

Ellie Carmichael had a crush on Adam Sutherland, her brother, Braden’s, best friend, for years, and although Adam treated her with proprietary concern he made it clear he thought of her only as a little sister.

Over the years, as Ellie’s crush develops into love, her romantic idealism makes it difficult for her to move on. To make matters worse, as she’s gotten older, Adam’s attitude has changed toward her. His affection for her is now joined by attraction, but his loyalty to Braden, and his fear of losing the only family he has, stops him from claiming Ellie the way she wishes he would.

But one night his attraction is put to the test, and as much as Adam would like things to remain the same everything changes between them in a simple brush of the lips.

Soon lust, love, jealousy and heartbreak combine to force change upon their relationship… and Adam discovers the hard way that life is too damn short to spend it on regret.


Down London Road (On Dublin Street #2)

Johanna Walker is used to taking charge. But she’s about to meet someone who will make her lose control....

It has always been up to Johanna to care for her family, particularly her younger brother, Cole. With an absent father and a useless mother, she’s been making decisions based on what’s best for Cole for as long as she can remember. She even determines what men to date by how much they can provide for her brother and her, not on whatever sparks may—or may not—fly.

But with Cameron MacCabe, the attraction is undeniable. The sexy new bartender at work gives her butterflies every time she looks at him. And for once, Jo is tempted to put her needs first. Cam is just as obsessed with getting to know Jo, but her walls are too solid to let him get close enough to even try.

Then Cam moves into the flat below Jo’s, and their blistering connection becomes impossible to ignore. Especially since Cam is determined to uncover all of Jo’s secrets …even if it means taking apart her defenses piece by piece.


Джоана винаги е била тази, която се е грижила за семейството си, по-конкретно за брат си Коул. Без баща и с безполезна майка, чието съществуване крепи само алкохолът, тя е свикнала винаги да взима решения, резултатът от които да е в полза на Коул. Дори изборът ѝ на мъже зависи от това какво могат да осигурят на нея и брат ѝ.

Нещата се променят, когато среща Камерън Маккейб. Макар и да го отрича, тяхното привличане е неоспоримо. Новият ѝ колега предизвиква пеперуди в корема ѝ всеки път щом го види. И изведнъж Джо се изкушава да постави своите нужди на първо място. Кам също е решен да опознае Джо по-добре, но тя не го допуска прекалено близо до себе си...

...Докато един ден Камерън не се нанася в апартамента под този на Джо. Тогава тяхната неизказана връзка става прекалено трудна за пренебрегване. А Кам е твърдо решен да узнае всички тайни на Джо, дори и това да значи, че трябва да намери начин да преодолее нейната съпротива.


Castle Hill (On Dublin Street #2.5)

A Joss and Braden Novella

Braden Carmichael never imagined he’d fall as hard and as fast as he did for Jocelyn Butler. He also could not have anticipated how difficult it would be to convince her to give in to love. But now that he has her, he’s never letting go. He’s got it all planned—the passionate proposal, the dream wedding, the sexy Hawaiian honeymoon—even the perfect family they’ll start.

After trying to flee from her painful past, Joss is finally allowing herself to embrace the future. But when things start moving faster than she anticipated, she finds herself panicking over something Braden can’t understand. After everything they’ve been through, Joss is sure that their love can survive even her worst fears. But, this time, she may push Braden too far—and risk losing everything all over again…

Касъл хил - издадена е на български само в електронен вариант. Няма корица.


Before Jamaica Lane (On Dublin Street #3)

One simple lesson in seduction between two friends can turn into so much more…

Despite her outgoing demeanor, Olivia is painfully insecure around the opposite sex—usually, she can’t get up the nerve to approach guys she’s interested in. But moving to Edinburgh has given her a new start, and, after she develops a crush on a sexy postgrad, she decides it’s time to push past her fears and go after what she wants.

Nate Sawyer is a gorgeous player who never commits, but to his close friends, he’s as loyal as they come. So when Olivia turns to him with her relationship woes, he offers to instruct her in the art of flirting and to help her become more sexually confident.

The friendly education in seduction soon grows into an intense and hot romance. But then Nate’s past and commitment issues rear their ugly heads, and Olivia is left broken-hearted. When Nate realizes he’s made the biggest mistake of his life, he will have to work harder than he ever has before to entice his best friend into falling back in love with him—or he may lose her forever…


Въпреки комуникативността си, Оливия е болезнено притеснителна с противоположния пол – обикновено не успява да събере кураж да доближи мъж, към когото проявява интерес. Преместването ѝ в Единбург поставя ново начало за нея. След като се увлича по един аспирант, тя решава, че е време да преодолее страховете си и да преследва желаното.

Нейт Сойър е чаровен играч, който никога не се обвързва, но е лоялен докрай към близките си приятели. Когато Оливия споделя с него неспособността си да завърже интимна връзка, той ѝ предлага да я обучи в изкуството на флирта и да я направи по-уверена в сексуално отношение. Приятелският инструктаж в прелъстяване скоро се превръща в гореща и напрегната любовна история. Ала тогава миналото на Нейт надига глава и Оливия остава с разбито сърце. Щом Нейт осъзнава, че е допуснал най-голямата грешка в живота си, той трябва да се труди по-упорито отвсякога, за да накара своята най-добра приятелка отново да се влюби в него – иначе може да я загуби завинаги...


Fall from India Place (On Dublin Street #4)

The New York Times bestselling author of On Dublin Street and Down London Road returns with a story about letting go of the past and learning to trust in the future...

When Hannah Nichols last saw Marco D’Alessandro, five long years ago, he broke her heart. The bad boy with a hidden sweet side was the only guy Hannah ever loved—and the only man she’s ever been with. After one intense night of giving into temptation, Marco took off, leaving Scotland and Hannah behind. Shattered by the consequences of their night together, Hannah has never truly moved on.

Leaving Hannah was the biggest mistake of Marco’s life, something he has deeply regretted for years. So when fate reunites them, he refuses to let her go without a fight. Determined to make her his, Marco pursues Hannah, reminding her of all the reasons they’re meant to be together.

But just when Marco thinks they’re committed to a future together, Hannah makes a discovery that unearths the secret pain she’s been hiding from him, a secret that could tear them apart before they have a real chance to start over again...


Сърцето на Хана Никълс е разбито на парчета. Тя вижда Марко Д’Алесандро за последно преди повече от пет години, но споменът за страстната им нощ, както и за нейните последици, опустошава бъдещия ѝ живот. Лошото момче, което умело прикрива добрата си душа, е единственият мъж, когото Хана някога е обичала – и единственият човек, с когото е била. След тази нощ обаче Марко напуска и Шотландия, и Хана, което се превръща в най-голямата грешка в живота му.  Но съдбата винаги среща отново онези, които не е трябвало да се разделят. Този път Марко е готов на всичко, за да спечели Хана и ще ѝ напомни, че са родени един за друг. Точно когато Марко вижда съвместното им бъдеще, Хана открива тайна, която ще разбие сърцето ѝ отново. Тайна, която ще разруши съвместния им живот още преди да е започнал... Четвърта книга от поредицата „Дъблин Стрийт“ отново ще ви потопи в страсти и горещи моменти, разказвайки историята на една любов, която се нуждае от втори шанс.


Echoes of Scotland Street (On Dublin Street #5)

Shannon MacLeod has always gone for the wrong type of man. After she drifted from one toxic relationship to the next, her last boyfriend gave her a wakeup call in the worst possible way. With her world shattered, she’s sworn off men—especially those of the bad-boy variety.

Cole Walker is exactly the sort that Shannon wants to avoid—gorgeous, tattooed, charming, and cocky. But his rough exterior hides a good man who’s ready to find “the one.” He’s determined to pull Shannon from her self-imposed solitude and win her heart.

As Shannon opens up in the face of Cole’s steady devotion, the passion between them ignites to blazing levels. But when Shannon’s past comes back to haunt her, her fears may destroy the trust Cole has built between them—and tear them apart for good…


Шанън Маклауд винаги е преследвала грешните мъже. Поредица трагични връзки, овенчани с разочарованието от посления ѝ приятел, я карат да погледне на любовта по друг начин. Светът ѝ е разбит на парчета и тя решава да стои далеч от мъжете – особено от лошите момчета.

Коул Уокър е именно вида, който Шанън иска да избегне – красив, татуиран, чаровен и арогантен. Но под неговата груба външност се крие добър човек, който копнее да срещне жената на живота си. Той е твърдо решен да извади Шанън от нейното уединение и да спечели сърцето ѝ.

Докато Шанън постепенно приема предаността на Коул, страстта между тях се нажежава. Но когато нейното минало се връща да я преследва, страховете ѝ могат да разрушат доверието, което Коул е изградил, и да ги разделят завинаги...


Valentine (On Dublin Street #5.5)

A special novella with six extremely sexy short stories from the On Dublin Street series so far. It’s Valentine’s Day and Joss & Braden, Ellie & Adam, Jo & Cam, Olivia & Nate, Hannah & Marco and Shannon & Cole are hotting up the streets of Edinburgh once more…


Moonlight On Nightingale Way (On Dublin Street #6)

Logan from Echoes of Scotland Street is back with his own smoldering story, as the New York Times bestselling On Dublin Street series returns…

Logan spent two years paying for the mistakes he made. Now, he’s ready to start over. He has a great apartment, a good job, and plenty of women to distract him from his past. And one woman who is driving him to distraction…

Grace escaped her manipulative family by moving to a new city. Her new life, made to suit her own needs, is almost perfect. All she needs to do is find her Mr. Right—or at least figure out a way to ignore her irresistible yet annoying womanizer of a neighbor.

Grace is determined to have nothing to do with Logan until a life-changing surprise slowly begins turning the wild heartbreaker into exactly the kind of strong, stable man she’s been searching for. Only just when she begins to give into his charms, her own messy past threatens to derail everything they’ve worked to build…


Шеста част от вълнуващата любовна поредица "Дъблин стрийт" от Саманта Йънг. Една история за двама съседи, които не искат да имат нищо общо помежду си, но няколко изненадващи събития променят всичко. Докато миналото на Грейс не заплашва да развали всичко...

Логан е платил с две години от живота си за грешките, които е направил. Сега е готов да започне начисто. Има хубав апартамент, добра работа и много жени, които да го разсейват от миналото му. И една жена, която го побърква...

Грейс е избягала от семейството си, като се е преместила в друг град. Новият ѝ живот, пригоден към нуждите ѝ, е почти перфектен. Единственото, от което се нуждае, е да намери правилния мъж – или поне да намери начин да игнорира неустоимия, но дразнещ свой съсед.

Грейс е решена, че няма да има нищо общо с Логан, докато непредвидени и изненадващи събития не започват да го показват като силен и решителен мъж, какъвто тя търси. Но точно когато започва да се поддава на чара му, обърканото ѝ минало заплашва да развали всичко, което има...



The emotional and unforgettable new romance from the New York Times bestselling author of the On Dublin Street series.

Alexa Hоlland’s father was her hero—until her shocking discovery that she and her mother weren’t his only family. Ever since, Alexa has worked to turn her life in a different direction and forge her own identity outside of his terrible secrets,. But when she meets a man who’s as damaged by her father’s mistakes as she is, Alexa must help him.

Caine Carraway wants nothing to do with Alexa’s efforts at redemption, but it’s not so easy to push her away. Determined to make her hate him, he brings her to the edge of her patience and waits for her to walk away. But his actions only draw them together and, despite the odds, they begin an intense and explosive affair.

Only Caine knows he can never be the white knight that Alexa has always longed for. And when they’re on the precipice of danger, he finds he’ll do anything to protect either one of them from being hurt again…


One King"s Way

The New York Times bestselling author of On Dublin Street returns to the bar where it all began with Braden and Joss for a white-hot new novella full of passion and drama.

When he’s not working at the club, Craig Lanaghan looks out for his mother and little sisters. So when it comes to women, all he wants is a good time. But once Rain Alexander walks into his life, there’s no denying that this woman could be worth much more than a one-night stand….

Rain’s lifelong regret is having left her sister Darcy alone years ago with a guardian who turned out to be abusive. So when Darcy’s boyfriend publicly humiliates her in a cruel way, Rain’s overprotective instincts kick in and she follows him to Club 39—where she meets a guy who just might be her perfect match.

The chemistry between Rain and Craig is explosive, but Rain is out for revenge, and refuses to be sidetracked by flirtation. As things between them heat up, she’ll have to make a heartbreaking choice between giving in to the man of her dreams or putting her sister’s happiness first….


One Day: A Valentine short story

A silly, sexy, fun novella written as a Valentine"s Day gift for my readers!

Getting dumped four times over the course of the past ten years on Valentine’s Day was definitely not in Hazel Benny’s life plan. So when her boyfriend of three months dumps her a week before Valentine’s Day to save her the humiliation of a fifth VD dumping, Hazel decides to take a break from life altogether by borrowing her brother’s camper van and taking off to the highlands.

Life in the camper van is going great—fresh air, beautiful scenery, a deeper bond with her homeland, no work, and best of all no men!

Until Valentine’s Day.

Getting caught in the woods with her pants down is the last thing Hazel expected to happen to her on the dreaded romantic day. Worse still getting caught by attractive American, Liam Brody, an annoyingly sexy man the universe seems intent on throwing her way for the day.

By the time this year’s Valentine’s Day is over, Hazel will have only one question on her mind:

How could one day, one tiny little day, change her life so epically…



The One Real Thing (Hart"s Boardwalk #1) – 6 септември 2016

Welcome to Hartwell, a quiet seaside escape where uncovering old secrets could lead one woman to discover the meaning of a love that lasts…

While Doctor Jessica Huntington engages with the inmates at the women’s correctional facility where she works, she’s always careful to avoid emotional attachments in her personal life. Loss and betrayal taught her that lesson long ago. But when she comes across a set of old love letters in the prison’s library and visits the picturesque town of Hartwell to deliver them to their intended recipient, she finds herself unable to resist the town’s charm—and her attraction to the sexy owner of a local bar proves equally hard to deny.

Since his divorce from his unfaithful ex-wife, Cooper Lawson has focused on what really matters: his family and the boardwalk pub they’ve owned for generations. But the first time Jessica steps into his bar, Cooper is beyond tempted to risk his heart on her. Yet as their attraction grows hotter and Jessica remains stubbornly closed off, he begins to realize it will take more than just passion to convince her there’s only one real thing in life worth fighting for…


Every Little Thing (Hart"s Boardwalk #2)


Тагове:   samantha young,


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