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11.08.2018 11:01 - Sarah MacLean
Автор: mese4inkata Категория: Други   
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Последна промяна: 18.06.2019 18:04

Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в категория в Blog.bg

Още една любима авторка, този път на исторически романи.

Харесвам 4 нейни поредици, от една от които са издадени 2 книги у нас (от Ибис, по кориците ще ги познаете). Дано да я довършат – остават още 2 книги от поредицата, и да издадат и другата, която е свързана с нея.

Love By Numbers Series

#1 Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake

A lady does not smoke cheroot. She does not ride astride. She does not fence or attend duels. She does not fire a pistol, and she never gambles at a gentlemen"s club.

Lady Calpurnia Hartwell has always followed the rules, rules that have left her unmarried—and more than a little unsatisfied. And so she"s vowed to break the rules and live the life of pleasure she"s been missing.

But to dance every dance, to steal a midnight kiss—to do those things, Callie will need a willing partner. Someone who knows everything about rule-breaking. Someone like Gabriel St. John, the Marquess of Ralston—charming and devastatingly handsome, his wicked reputation matched only by his sinful smile.

If she"s not careful, she"ll break the most important rule of all—the one that says that pleasure-seekers should never fall hopelessly, desperately in love.


#2 Ten Ways to Be Adored When Landing a Lord

“Lord Nicholas is a paragon of manhood. And his eyes, Dear Reader! So blue!” Pearls & Pelisses, June 1823

Since being named on of London’s “Lords to Land” by a popular ladies’ magazine, Nicholas St. John has been relentlessly pursued by every matrimony-minded female in the ton. So when an opportunity to escape fashionable society presents itself, he eagerly jumps—only to land in the path of the most determined, damnably delicious woman he’s ever met!

The daughter of a titled wastrel, Lady Isabel Townsend has too many secrets and too little money. Though used to taking care of herself quite handily, her father’s recent passing has left Isabel at sea and in need of outside help to protect her young brother’s birthright. The sinfully handsome, eminently eligible Lord Nicholas could be the very salvation she seeks.

But the lady must be wary and not do anything reckless… like falling madly, passionately in love.


#3 Eleven Scandals to Start to Win a Duke"s Heart

There is no telling where a scandal might lead...

She lives for passion.

Bold, impulsive, and a magnet for trouble, Juliana Fiori is no simpering English miss. She refuses to play by society’s rules: she speaks her mind, cares nothing for the approval of the ton, and can throw a punch with remarkable accuracy. Her scandalous nature makes her a favorite subject of London’s most practiced gossips... and precisely the kind of woman the Duke of Leighton wants far far away from him.

He swears by reputation.

Scandal is the last thing Simon Pearson has room for in his well-ordered world. The Duke of Disdain is too focused on keeping his title untainted and his secrets unknown. But when he discovers Juliana hiding in his carriage late one evening—risking everything he holds dear—he swears to teach the reckless beauty a lesson in propriety.

She has other plans, however; she wants two weeks to prove that even an unflappable duke is not above passion.


The Rules of Scoundrels Series / Правилата на негодниците

#1 A Rogue by Any Other Name/ Негодник по неволя

What a scoundrel wants, a scoundrel gets...

A decade ago, the Marquess of Bourne was cast from society with nothing but his title. Now a partner in London’s most exclusive gaming hell, the cold, ruthless Bourne will do whatever it takes to regain his inheritance—including marrying perfect, proper Lady Penelope Marbury.

A broken engagement and years of disappointing courtships have left Penelope with little interest in a quiet, comfortable marriage, and a longing for something more. How lucky that her new husband has access to such unexplored pleasures.

Bourne may be a prince of London’s underworld, but he vows to keep Penelope untouched by its wickedness—a challenge indeed as the lady discovers her own desires, and her willingness to wager anything for them... even her heart.

Негодник по неволя

ISBN: 9786191571093

Година: 2015г.

Страници: 364 стр.

Корица: мека

Цветност: черно/бяла

Цена: 14 лв

Един негодник ВИНАГИ получава това, което иска...

Преди десет години маркиз Бърн е изигран на хазарт и загубва цялото си състояние заедно с наследственото имение, лишен е от всичко освен от титлата си. Понастоящем съдружник в един от най-бляскавите игрални клубове в Лондон, студеният и безмилостен маркиз е готов на всичко, за да си върне наследството – включително и да се ожени за съвършената и благопристойна лейди Пенелопи Марбъри.

Един развален годеж и години на разочароващи ухажвания са оставили Пенелопи безразлична към спокойния и уютен семеен живот, изпълвайки сърцето й с копнеж по нещо повече. Какъв късмет за нея, че новият й съпруг може да й разкрие цяла вселена от непознати удоволствия.

Бърн може и да е принц на незаконния подземен свят, но се е заклел да опази Пенелопи от покварата му – истинско предизвикателство, тъй като неговата дама тепърва открива собствените си желания и е готова да заложи всичко за тях... дори сърцето си.

„Ако искате да се насладите на остроумен, забавен и страстен исторически любовен роман, препоръчвам ви която и да е от книгите на Сара Маклейн.“

Лайза Клейпас



#2 One Good Earl Deserves a Lover/ Розата на любовта

Lady Philippa Marbury is odd. The bespectacled, brilliant fourth daughter of the Marquess of Needham and Dolby cares more for books than balls, flora than fashion and science than the season. Nearly engaged to Lord Castleton, Pippa wants to explore the scandalous parts of London she"s never seen before marriage. And she knows just who to ask: the tall, charming, quick-witted bookkeeper of The Fallen Angel, London"s most notorious and coveted gaming hell, known only as Cross.

Like any good scientist, Pippa"s done her research and Cross"s reputation makes him perfect for her scheme. She wants science without emotion—the experience of ruination without the repercussions of ruination. And who better to provide her with the experience than this legendary man? But when this odd, unexpected female propositions Cross, it"s more than tempting... and it will take everything he has to resist following his instincts—and giving the lady precisely what she wants.

Розата на любовта

ISBN: 9786191572304

Година: 2018г.

Страници: 360 стр.

Корица: мека

Цветност: черно/бяла

Цена: 15 лв

Лейди Филипа Марбъри е… странна. Брилянтната и забележително умна дъщеря на маркиз Нийдъм и Долби се интересува повече от книги и природни науки, отколкото от балове, мода и любов. Вярна на изследователската си природа, лейди Филипа иска да опознае страстта преди да встъпи в уреден брак със заможен граф. Пипа разполага с две седмици, за да изследва вълнуващия нощен живот в Лондон, преди да се оттегли в провинцията, където ще изживее тихо дните си, заобиколена от любимите си кучета и провеждайки научните си експерименти. Времето не е много и за да направи всичко както трябва, тя се нуждае от опитен водач.

Нуждае се… от негодник.

И лейди Филипа знае точно към кого да се обърне за помощ – Крос, високият, очарователен и умен съдружник в „Падналият ангел“, най-посещавания игрален клуб в Лондон. Крос има репутацията на познавач на женското сърце. Така че кой по-добре от него ще й помогне в нейното проучване, без излишна драма и емоция?



#3 No Good Duke Goes Unpunished/ Греховно предложение

A rogue ruined...

He is the Killer Duke, accused of murdering Mara Lowe on the eve of her wedding. With no memory of that fateful night, Temple has reigned over the darkest of London’s corners for twelve years, wealthy and powerful, but beyond redemption. Until one night, Mara resurfaces, offering the one thing he’s dreamed of... absolution.

A lady returned...

Mara planned never to return to the world from which she’d run, but when her brother falls deep into debt at Temple’s exclusive casino, she has no choice but to offer Temple a trade that ends in her returning to society and proving to the world what only she knows... that he is no killer.

A scandal revealed...

It’s a fine trade, until Temple realizes that the lady—and her past—are more than they seem. It will take every bit of his strength to resist the pull of this mysterious, maddening woman who seems willing to risk everything for honor... and to keep from putting himself on the line for love.

Греховно предложение

ISBN: 9786191572847

Година: 2019г.

Страници: 396 стр.

Корица: мека

Цветност: черно/бяла

Цена: 15 лв

Един погубен джентълмен...

Той е херцогът, обвинен в убийството на Мара Лоу в навечерието на сватбата ?. Без никакъв спомен от онази съдбовна нощ, в продължение на дванайсет години Темпъл е некоронованият крал на най-потайните лондонски кътчета, богат и могъщ, но опозорен и отритнат от аристокрацията, на която принадлежи по рождение. Докато една нощ не се появява Мара, предлагайки му единственото, за което някога е мечтал – оневинение.

Завърналата се дама...

Мара Лоу никога не е възнамерявала да се завърне в света, от който е избягала. Но когато брат й проиграва всичките им пари в най-престижното лондонско казино, младата жена няма друг избор, освен да предложи на Темпъл, един от собствениците на игралния дом, сделка, съгласно която тя ще се появи пред обществото и ще докаже онова, което единствено тя знае – че Темпъл не е убиец.

Избухналият скандал...

Сделката е съвсем честна, докато Темпъл не осъзнава, че дамата и нейното минало крият много повече, отколкото изглежда. Ще се нуждае от цялата си воля, за да устои на привличането към тази мистериозна жена, която е готова да рискува всичко в името на честта... и твърдото си намерение да не попадне в капана на любовта.


#4 Never Judge a Lady by Her Cover/ Маската на любовта

She is the most powerful woman in Britain,

A queen of the London Underworld...

But no one can ever know.

He is the only man smart enough to uncover the truth,

Putting all she has at risk...

Including her heart.

The fourth book in New York Times bestselling author Sarah MacLean’s incredible Rule of Scoundrels/Fallen Angels series. These four dark heroes will steal the hearts of their heroines and the readers alike! This is the last in the Rules of Scoundrels series—Chase’s story

By day, she is Lady Georgiana, sister to a Duke, ruined before her first season in the worst kind of scandal. But the truth is far more shocking—in London’s darkest corners, she is Chase, the mysterious, unknown founder of the city’s most legendary gaming hell. For years, her double identity has gone undiscovered... until now.

Brilliant, driven, handsome-as-sin Duncan West is intrigued by the beautiful, ruined woman who is somehow connected to a world of darkness and sin. He knows she is more than she seems and he vows to uncover all of Georgiana’s secrets, laying bare her past, threatening her present, and risking all she holds dear... including her heart.

Маската на любовта

ISBN: 9786191573134

Година: 2019г.

Страници: 408 стр.

Корица: мека

Цветност: черно/бяла

Цена: 15 лв

Тя е най-могъщата жена в Британия, кралица на лондонския подземен свят.

Но това е тайна, известна на малцина.

През деня тя е лейди Джорджиана, сестра на херцог, опозорена от най-лошия от всички скандали преди първия си сезон във висшето общество. Ала истината е далеч по-шокираща – в потайните кътчета на Лондон тя е Чейс, мистериозният, непознат основател на легендарното лондонско казино „Падналият ангел“. С години двойствената й самоличност остава неразкрита... До сега.

Той е единственият мъж, достатъчно умен, за да разкрие истината, подлагайки на риск всичко, което тя притежава. Включително сърцето й.

Блестящ, целеустремен и красив като греха, Дънкан Уест е заинтригуван от прекрасната скандална жена, която някак си е свързана със света на мрака и порока. Той се зарича да разкрие тайните на Джорджиана, изваждайки наяве миналото й, заплашвайки настоящето й и рискувайки всичко, което й е свидно...


Scandal & Scoundrel Series

#1 The Rogue Not Taken


The youngest of the infamous Talbot sisters scandalized society at the Liverpool Summer Soiree, striking her sister’s notoriously philandering husband and landing him backside-first in a goldfish pond. And we thought Sophie was the quiet one…

When she finds herself the target of very public aristocratic scorn, Sophie Talbot does what she must to escape the city and its judgment—she flees on the back of a carriage, vowing never to return to London…or to society. But the carriage isn’t saving her from ruin. It’s filled with it.


The Marquess of Eversley was espied descending a rose trellis—escaping an irate Earl and his once-future countess. No lady is safe from Eversley’s Engagement Ending Escapades!

Kingscote, the Marquess of Eversley, has never met a woman he couldn’t charm, a quality that results in a reputation far worse than the truth, a furious summons home, and a long, boring trip to the Scottish border. When King discovers stowaway Sophie, however, the trip becomes anything but boring.


He thinks she’s trying to trick him into marriage. She wouldn’t have him if he were the last man on earth. But carriages bring close quarters, dark secrets, and unbearable temptation, and suddenly opposites are altogether too attractive…


#2 A Scot in the Dark

Lonesome Lily Turned Scandalous Siren

Miss Lillian Hargrove has lived much of her life alone in a gilded cage, longing for love and companionship. When an artist offers her pretty promises and begs her to pose for a scandalous portrait, Lily doesn"t hesitate...until the lying libertine leaves her in disgrace. With the painting now public, Lily has no choice but to turn to the one man who might save her from ruin.

Highland Devil turned Halfhearted Duke

The Duke of Warnick loathes all things English, none more so than the aristocracy. It does not matter that the imposing Scotsman has inherited one of the most venerable dukedoms in Britain—he wants nothing to do with it, especially when he discovers that the unwanted title comes with a troublesome ward, one who is far too old and far too beautiful to be his problem.

Tartan Comes to Town

Warnick arrives in London with a single goal: get the chit married and see her become someone else"s problem, then return to a normal, quiet life in Scotland. It"s the perfect plan, until Lily declares she"ll only marry for love...and the Scot finds that there is one thing in England he likes far too much...


#3 The Day of the Duchess

The one woman he will never forget…

Malcolm Bevingstoke, Duke of Haven, has lived the last three years in self-imposed solitude, paying the price for a mistake he can never reverse and a love he lost forever. The dukedom does not wait, however, and Haven requires an heir, which means he must find himself a wife by summer’s end. There is only one problem—he already has one.

The one man she will never forgive…

After years in exile, Seraphina, Duchess of Haven, returns to London with a single goal—to reclaim the life she left and find happiness, unencumbered by the man who broke her heart. Haven offers her a deal; Sera can have her freedom, just as soon as she finds her replacement…which requires her to spend the summer in close quarters with the husband she does not want, but somehow cannot resist.

A love that neither can deny…

The duke has a single summer to woo his wife and convince her that, despite their broken past, he can give her forever, making every day The Day of the Duchess.


The Bareknuckle Bastards Series

#1 Wicked and the Wallflower

When Wicked Comes Calling...

When a mysterious stranger finds his way into her bedchamber and offers his help in landing a duke, Lady Felicity Faircloth agrees—on one condition. She"s seen enough of the world to believe in passion, and won"t accept a marriage without it.

The Wallflower Makes a Dangerous Bargain...

Bastard son of a duke and king of London"s dark streets, Devil has spent a lifetime wielding power and seizing opportunity, and the spinster wallflower is everything he needs to exact a revenge years in the making. All he must do is turn the plain little mouse into an irresistible temptress, set his trap, and destroy his enemy.

For the Promise of Passion...

But there"s nothing plain about Felicity Faircloth, who quickly decides she"d rather have Devil than another. Soon, Devil"s carefully laid plans are in chaos, and he must choose between everything he"s ever wanted...and the only thing he"s ever desired.


#2 Brazen and the Beast – 25.06.2019

The Lady’s Plan

When Lady Henrietta Sedley declares her twenty-ninth year her own, she has plans. Plans to inherit her father’s business, to make her own fortune and to live her own life. But first, she has plans to experience a taste of the pleasure she’ll forgo as a confirmed spinster. She does not, however, plan to find the most beautiful man she’s ever seen tied up in her carriage and threatening to ruin The Year of Hattie before it"s even begun.

The Bastard’s Proposal

When he wakes in a carriage at Hattie"s feet, Whit, a king of Covent Garden known to all the world as Beast, can’t help but wonder about the strange woman who frees him--especially when he discovers her plans for a night of pleasure…on his turf. He is more than happy to offer Hattie all she desires...for a price.

An Unexpected Passion

Soon, Hattie and Whit find themselves rivals in business and pleasure: she won"t give up her plans; he won"t give up his power...but neither of them see that if they"re not careful, they"ll have no choice but to give up everything...including their hearts.


#3 TBA


Тагове:   sarah maclean,


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