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30.06.2012 23:27 - Ана Годбърсън - Богати и красиви
Автор: mese4inkata Категория: Други   
Прочетен: 2114 Коментари: 0 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 11.08.2018 11:36


Тайни и мечти

Годината е 1929.

Ню Йорк е завладян от тайните и мечтите на новите дебютантки, търсещи социален престиж.

Тръпки и преследване на велики цели, когато всичко е възможно - в най-трескавото време на ХХ век.

Лети Ларкспър и Кордилия Грей напускат градче от Средния запад и се отправят към светлините на примамливия Ню Йорк. Лети иска отчаяно да види името си окъпано в слава. Само че Манхатън е препълнен с красиви момичета, също готови на всичко, за да бъдат звезди...

Кордилия пък се впуска да търси баща си, когото никога не е виждала. Той има скандална слава и е забъркан в тайни схеми. Дъщеря му е въвлечена в свят, толкова вълнуващ и бляскав, че силно надминава представите й... Но това е много опасен живот. За такъв живот някой би убил... И наистина ще го направи.

Кордилия се доверява единствено на Астрид Донал – момичето, което има всичко - пари, представителност и любовта на брата на Кордилия, Чарли. Но и зад нейния блясък се крият ужасни семейни тайни.

В Лонг Айлънд, Манхатън и на бродуейските сцени пътищата на трите се преплитат, следвайки възходи и падения...


Очаквайте още от поредицата „Богати и красиви“ – Beautiful Days.


The year is 1929, and New York is ruled by the Bright Young Things: flappers and socialites chasing their dreams in the anything-goes era of the Roaring Twenties. Letty Larkspur and Cordelia Grey have escaped their small Midwestern town for the glittering city. All Letty wants is to see her name in lights, but she quickly discovers Manhattan is filled with pretty girls who will do anything to be a star. Cordelia is searching for the father she’s never known. Overnight, she enters a world more thrilling and glamorous – and dangerous – than she ever could have imagined. It’s a life anyone would kill for . . . and someone will. The only person Cordelia can trust is ­Astrid Donal, a flapper who seems to have it all: money, looks, and the love of Cordelia’s brother, Charlie. But Astrid’s perfect veneer hides a score of family secrets. From the vast lawns of Long Island to the speakeasies of Manhattan and the blindingly-lit stages of Broadway, the three girls’ fortunes will rise and fall—together and apart.


After a month in New York, Cordelia Grey and Letty Larkspur are small-town girls no longer. They spend their afternoons with Astrid Donal at the Greys’ lush Long Island estate and their nights in Manhattan’s bustling metropolis. Letty is still determined to chase her Broadway dreams—no matter the cost – while Cordelia is reeling from the death of her father at the hands of Thom Hale, the man she thought she loved. Now she is looking for a way to honor Darius Grey’s legacy . . . and take her revenge. Astrid is betrothed to Cordelia’s half-brother Charlie, caught up in a world of dazzling jewels and glittering nights—and the sparkle is blinding. Because Charlie Grey is a gangster playing a dangerous game; and for Astrid, Cordelia, and Letty, the stakes could be deadly.


The summer is winding down, and Cordelia, Letty, and Astrid are still living the frantic, shiny lives of the bright young things of the jazz age. Letty has moved in with the movie stars Sophia and Valentine, which could be the making of her career – as long as she can hide her crush on the dashing Valentine. Astrid is finally married to Charlie, only to discover that life as a bootlegger’s wife isn’t everything she expected. And Cordelia struggles to maintain her relationship with the aeronaut Max Darby, which is starting to weigh heavily on them both. Not only is she keeping Max’s secret, but she’s got a secret of her own… a secret that may put everything and everyone she cares about in serious danger.


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